Write Better Website Titles and Taglines

Every day, there are hundreds of websites being launched. So it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the competition. You want your website to stand out from the rest and attract traffic. Luckily, there are many ways to achieve this.

better title meta description

First of all, you need to have a captivating title and tagline. These can be beneficial to your ranking on search engines. And the higher you rank – the more traffic your site will receive.

In this article, we will give you tips on how to write better titles and taglines for your website.

Creating a Website Title

When someone is looking at your site, the first thing they see is the website title. Your title is part of your brand and people learn to identify your brand, and better distinguish you from other sites and competition.

To help you think of the right website title, think about your website’s main use and purpose. Once you come up with a title, you can focus your attention on creating a tagline that matches it.

If you find it challenging to come up with a title, try experimenting using keywords that describe what your website is about. You can also try inventing words or playing around with words that are close to what you want, by misspelling them.

You can also use a word or abbreviation that describes what your site does. For instance, if your website talks about small businesses, your website could be titled ‘smallbiz’. It is easy to understand and catchy at the same time.

To help get you started, here are some short tips to help you write a captivating title for your site.

  1. Keep it short. 64 – 70 characters is Google’s maximum title length. Make sure you don’t go over that amount because it will result in your title being cut off in search results.
  2. Important words first. Studies have shown the first few words determine if a reader will continue on or not, so make sure they are the best words.
  3. Keywords . Identify your target audience and determine specific keywords that will reach them. Try to choose words that describe the content of your page as well.
  4. Be descriptive. Provide an accurate description of what visitors will see when they visit your website.
  5. Keep it unique. Don’t use duplicate titles, this might lead to duplicate content issues and readers thinking they already saw that page.

Creating a Tagline

Taglines describe your site to your audience and are harder to perfect than your title. It grabs the visitor’s attention and contains keywords that determine how it appears in search engine results.

A good tagline can be the difference between keeping the attention of a visitor or having them leave you for a competitor. Most people skim search pages when looking for something before clicking on a site. This means that when someone is looking through search engine results, you must get their attention quickly before they look away.

If you need quick results, try using a slogan generator, like zyro.com/tools/slogan-generator/. Simply enter a keyword or a few and let it do its magic. If you want your website to promote your business, use your name as a title.

However, if you want to create it yourself, here are some tips to help you get that eye-catching tagline for your site.

  1. Be creative. Don’t settle for the first idea you get. Created several slogans then choose the best one. A catchy tagline can work to your benefit.
  2. Make it simple. The language you use should be simple and direct. Your audience should not have to guess when it comes to your site’s purpose. Make the slogan easy to read and more understandable to readers.
  3. Be honest. Your slogan needs to reflect your site’s contents. Being honest with your tagline helps you become a credible source and can help you get more traffic.
  4. Check your length. Gone are the days when you could get away with three-word slogans. Unless you’re a big brand, it’s hard to succeed with short taglines. Aim for around 50 – 60 characters.
  5. Include SEO keywords. Use particular keywords to ensure your site ranks high on search engine results. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will increase your site’s visibility and hopefully, send more visitors to your site.
  6. Be original. Your tagline is essentially a representation of your site. As such, you should not borrow slogans from other sites. This can be especially bad if the tagline you use is a registered trademark or is copyrighted. Having a unique tagline will do your brand well.
  7. Try humor . You want to attract, and then keep the attention of your audience. If you find a way to incorporate humor into your tagline, and if it fits your style, go for it. But, be careful of clichés.
  8. Know your audience. Research and learn who your target audience is. Then create a tagline that speaks to them. You cannot attract readers if your tagline does not suit their interests.
  9. Do your research. Find out if other brands are using the same or similar tagline. Launching a website and later learning your tagline is being used by a competitor can make you look bad.
  10. Seek expert help. If you find that the ideas are still not coming to you, don’t be shy about asking for help. There are experts available who can help create a unique, creative and captivating tagline for your website. It will cost money but you will see the results through organic traffic to your site.

Let’s Review

With millions of websites on the internet, and with that amount of competition, your website needs to stand out. To attract the organic traffic you want, remember to keep your site unique and relevant.

Your website’s title and tagline need to be exceptional so you can improve your site’s SEO. Keep in mind the tips listed above and put your site on the top page of search engines and generate more traffic.