The Best JavaScript Podcasts For When You Need A Screen Break

The world of JavaScript development is a fast-changing landscape and many coders feel like they’re playing a constant game of catch-up with the latest trends and developments. This dynamic world is an energising one to call home, but it means the JavaScript developer must be ever the student. What do you do when you need to take a break from the screen, but want to keep building your JS skill set? Explore this list of quality JavaScript podcasts so whether you’re working out or doing the housework you’ll continue to better your coding skills.

Full Stack Radio

Adam Wathan, full-stack engineer and self-described entrepreneur hosts a new guest each week on Full Stack Radio to cover a wide range of JS topics. The guest format allows each visitor to bring their broad range of expertise to the show and cover everything from product design to user testing. Many of the problems they discuss will likely be familiar to you, and the way Wathan uses real-life experience to deconstruct these issues makes it a great learning tool. is hosted by Scott Tolinski and Wes Bos, two Full Stack Developers who know their stuff. They don’t stick strictly to all things JavaScript, but regularly cover JS topics such as frameworks like React. The podcast tends to delve deep into web development topics and these two veteran coders have years of experience from which to draw. You’ll find yourself learning something new in every episode.

Front End Happy Hour

This informative and highly entertaining podcast is built around – you guessed it – happy hour at the bar, giving it a freewheeling format that lets the developers go where the wind blows. It’s hosted by a panel of expert developers working at a variety of companies from Netflix to LinkedIn and with its focus on front end development there’s a degree of specialism that makes it highly valuable.


CodeNewbie is built around tales of people on their road to code, telling the stories of how people got into JavaScript and developed their skills. We all find ourselves reverting to newbie status from time to time when a new trend pops up and we have to play catchup. The stories and interviews of CodeNewbie are relatable, educational and most of all enjoyable!


Front-end design is the main focus of ShopTalk, co-hosted by Dave Rupert and Chris Coyier who bring a guest on each week to discuss development and UX. The rapid-fire format means that ShopTalk is absolutely packed with information – if you can keep up!

JavaScript Jabber

Jabber is a long-running weekly podcast that covers the length and breadth of the JavaScript world. Front-end and back-end development are both covered, as well as the broader coding culture. Jabber isn’t all about coding, it’s about the environment we code in as well – thought provoking stuff.

JS Party

As part of ChangeLog’s coding podcast family, JS Party’s live format makes it stand out from the crowd with an anything-can-happen feeling. Expect lots of laughs while you learn about all things JavaScript. This podcast is so relatable for developers who feel like they’re racing to catch up with evolving trends.

Modern Web

With one foot in the future, Modern Web seeks to explore the latest trends in JavaScript. From next generation frameworks to the latest techniques and standards, Modern Wed is essential listening for developers with their finger on the pulse. Hosts Tracy Lee and Ben Lesh put years of experience to good use, untangling the modern trends and demystifying the latest tech.

My JavaScript Story

A weekly look into the human stories behind the code on With an international cast of characters from Barcelona to Brazil explores one coder’s background and experience. This diversity makes it an informative listen, as well as highlighting the broad church of JavaScript coding.

Real Talk JavaScript

Expert coders John Papa, Ward Bell, and Dan Wahlin take a weekly look at the latest challenges facing JavaScript coders all over the world. Expert guests appear to unravel the nuances of the latest trends in JS development in this professional podcast.

In these podcasts you’ll find informative explorations of the latest tech as well as relatable human stories from the JS world. Switch off the screen, get the earbuds in and enjoy these podcasts!

Author: Katherine Rundell is a writer at Dissertation help and Academized services. She has been coding for over a decade and listens to podcasts when she escapes the office at the weekends to hike and camp in the wilderness.