Cybersecurity or How to Protect Yourself on The Internet

Do you feel safe online?

If you do, perhaps it is time to reconsider your viewpoint and start thinking about higher levels of online security. The number of malicious attacks and cybersecurity breaches has been growing rapidly in the last few years, with hackers targeting businesses, organizations, and individual users almost equally.

Internet Security tools 2020

Online security reports prove the danger we are all facing:

We can go on like this forever, but the bottom line is that you have to protect yourself while browsing the Internet. In this post, we will show you how to stay alert and fend off cyber-criminals.

7 Ways to Stay Protected Online

Users who want to protect their digital accounts and stay safe on the Internet should first learn the most common online threats. Here are the threats and options you’ll need to be aware of:

  • Phishing attacks: They come in the form of malicious URLs and email attachments.
  • Malware attempts: In this case, a hacker is trying to infect your device with a virus.
  • Data breaches: Such threats are usually out of your reach because hackers can breach the security systems of entire corporations to steal confidential data.
  • Identity theft: If you reveal lots of personal information online, someone might use your private data to create new accounts with your name on it.
  • Scams: Whenever you receive an email that promises to earn you a fortune right after you pay a small sum beforehand, rest assured you are facing a scam.

Now you know the most frequent online dangers, but how do you protect against it? We can give you seven practical tips:

1. Create unbreakable passwords

Do you know that compromised passwords are responsible for 81% of hacking-related breaches? It’s a warning sign for all users to create strong and unbreakable passwords.

Jake Gardner, a cybersecurity manager at the best assignment help, says simple solutions are genuine security-killers: “If you rely on passwords like ‘123456’ or ‘qwerty’, rest assured hackers will take advantage of it and

2. Enable two-factor authentication

Strong passwords with capital letters and numbers can do miracles cybersecurity-wise, but there is another way to strengthen your online accounts. We are talking about two-factor authentication as it adds one more layer of protection to your digital activities.

The easiest trick is to pair online accounts with your smartphone and enter a one-time password that you receive via SMS. That way, you are making sure that no one can access your personal information on the Internet without your password and your mobile device combined, which basically means that your safety is guaranteed.

3. Invest in a security suite

Of course, it is impossible to write a post about cybersecurity without mentioning antivirus programs and similar tools that protect users in real-time. You can find lots of all-around platforms that successfully fend off cyber-criminals, scammers, and ransomware attacks. Some of the most popular tools include the likes of Norton Security, Bitdefender, and Avira Antivirus Pro.

vps internet security

4. Use a VPN for public Wi-Fi networks

If you are a frequent traveler or just love working outside, then you definitely need a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN is a simple tool that helps you to use public Wi-Fi networks safely. This cybersecurity mechanism is a must for all users who work in a coffee shop or access Wi-Fi networks at airports and other public places.

5. Update all tools and programs regularly

Hackers are always targeting vulnerabilities in your system, with outdated services being one of the most common targets. Every platform you’re using – an operating system, a plugin, a theme, an app, etc. – has to be updated regularly in order to eliminate bugs and security issues. So when you receive a new update notification, don’t hesitate to launch the process immediately.

6. Purchase products from trustful eCommerce stores only

Another thing you should bear in mind is that scammers are also trying to steal credit card information from you and your eCommerce providers. In such circumstances, it is highly recommended to stick to trustworthy online retailers like Amazon or Shopify because you know they are going to keep your personal information private and safe.

7. Do not open suspicious emails

The last tip on the list is very simple and obvious, but we still need to mention it because people make such mistakes all the time. Do not open suspicious emails and pay particular attention to attachments and URLs in e-messages. Avoiding phishing attacks is easy, but you need to stay alert and beware of the warning signs.

Cybersecurity is getting increasingly important for people and organizations all over the globe. In this post, we discussed the most common online security threats and seven ways to fend them off successfully. We encourage you to use these tips and leave a comment if you have any questions – we’ll make sure to get back to you quickly!

Author Bio

jennifer holland writerJennifer Holland is a blogger and one of the professional essay writers in the essay writing service. She is mainly interested in topics such as cybersecurity, app development, blockchain, and digital marketing. Besides writing, Jennifer enjoys traveling and exploring foreign cultures. Feel free to connect with her on Facebook or Twitter.